Internet Protocols | informativeknowledge6748

   Internet protocols are rules by which computers communicate. Computers can use any number of systems for passing messages. But for this they must be using same computers should agree on common protocols before they can communicate. 

Internet protocols was established by Bob kahn, at ARPA and vint cerf, at Stanford University published research in 1974 that evolved into the Transmission Control Protocols (TCP) and Internet Protocols (IP), the two protocols of internet protocol suite.

Network data is encapsulated in packets at source. It is send via the network to a destination. At destination it is reconstruted into the appropriate file, instructions or request.

The exact composition of network depends on the protocol you are using. In general, network packet contain the followings:

1. Header: This signifies start of the packet. It contains source and destination address and time/synchronisation information.

2. Data: This portion contains the original data being transmitted.

3. Trailer: It marks end of packet. It contains error checking (CRC) information. When packet reaches the transmission medium, the network adapter card examines the packet.

         Internet protocols were developed by defence department of United States. Internet protocols are also TCP/IP protocols. TCP/IP is required for communication over the internet. A large number of protocols are associated with TCP/IP. These can be grouped in following:
1. TCP/IP Routing
2. TCP/IP Services
3. General TCP/IP Transport protocols 

Types of Internet Protocol
Internet protocols

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